// Nargus

Environmental policy

Environmental Policy of Nargus Ltd is based on the understanding that the work of the enterprise should not cause adverse environmental changes and negatively affect the health of the staff and the population living nearby.

Environmental policy is guided by the following principles:

  • To ensure compliance with government regulations in the field of environmental protection;
  • To use production equipment, technologies and materials providing environmental safety in accordance with best international standards;
  • To give priority to actions aimed at preventing impacts on the environment, personnel and population;
  • To assess environmental safety on the basis of modern concepts of risk analysis and environmental damage;
  • To be constantly ready to prevent accidents or other emergencies in the field of ecology;
  • To be open and accessible to environmental information, to interact with the public in a constructive and meaningful way.

The main areas of environmental policy are:

  • To provide effective operation and continuous improvement of environmental management in accordance with ISO 14001 requirements;
  • To introduce technologies and equipment which will enhance employees’ labor safety and ensure their health preservation;
  • To analyze hazards and environmental damage for making prediction and exercising control of ecological safety;
  • To allocate resources such as personnel, funds, technology, equipment and working time to ensure environmental safety and protection;
  • To provide training in safety culture, health preservation and environment friendliness to the personnel;
  • To share trustworthy information regarding production nature, its impact on the environment, health of the personnel and that of the public.

To achieve the goals in the field of environmental policy, environmental action plans are developed annually with the appropriate provision of resources in the following areas:

  • environmental monitoring;
  • waste management;
  • management of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

In accordance with the requirements of environmental legislation, the company received relevant permits in the field of waste management and emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

Environmental Monitoring

State supervision over compliance with environmental legislation is carried out by the State Environmental Protection Administration in the Kharkiv region and the State Environmental Inspectorate.          
In accordance with the established frequency, laboratory monitoring of the atmospheric air at the border of the sanitary protection zone of the company is carried out. Monitoring is carried out by laboratories certified by the State Standard and the Ministry of Health. During the monitoring period, no cases of excess of permissible levels of air pollution by associated production components were recorded.

Also produced laboratory control:          

  • stationary sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere;           
  • working area air;           
  • soil in places of temporary storage of waste;           
  • exhaust gases of road transport;           
  • sewage drains.


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